Monday, February 22, 2010

First Haircut

For some reason I have been dreading getting Morgan's hair cut. It seems like it's the last little piece of her baby days I have been holding on to! BUT it was starting to look a little "rat-tail-y" so I reluctantly agreed to trim it a little.

Morgan did great! She was happy and smiling the entire time.

First cut:

You sure you know what you're doing?

Keep your head down!

What does everyone think of my new 'do?

Our beautiful girl! She looks like such a big girl here!

Is this really the same baby?? Almost 2 years ago..sniff..sniff..


Megan said...

Whew - our lil Billy Ray Cyrus look-a-like is no more...thanks for obliging Aunt Megan's long standing hair cut request...I miss that lil nugget - hoping to make the trip hope soon! xoxo

Kristyn said...

WOW!!!! I am so impressed that you did it. Congrats Morgan on your first haircut! You look great!

Jess Richey said...

Awww what a big girl! She looks so cute!